Generally, a lighter background color will showcase the images, text, and graphics that should be the focal point of your website. That’s because you want your background to complement the most important features of your page including text, calls-to-action, and other images. While the best background color for a website depends on the overall esthetic and existing color scheme, neutral, light-colored backgrounds are generally appealing for most websites. What Is a Good Background Color for a Website? If you like the way it looks and don’t think it’s distracting or a mismatch, it probably works with your design. Is high-resolution (i.e., should not look pixelated)įrom there, the perfect background pattern is a matter of personal taste.Sizes appropriately (i.e., the file should not be too small or too large, more on that below).Does not distract from the more important elements of the design.What Makes a Good Website Background Image?Ī good background should complement (and not distract from) the rest of your design and have several basic attributes. In this article, we’ll cover a few of the questions that designers ask about website backgrounds and touch on a few of the biggest trends in website background design that we’ve seen lately. From cool, simple backgrounds like subtle gradients to wild abstract liquid art illustrations, the perfect website background can be like a rug that pulls the room together. These days, background images are an artform in their own right and extend far beyond your website. Once upon a time, website backgrounds were just solid colors or seemingly random pictures that might not be sized correctly for the page.

Website background design has come a long way since the early days of the internet.